As a guitar teacher in Aberdeen I teach both right and left handed players. The question I get asked by new, beginner left handed players is “should I buy a left handed guitar or learn to play right handed?”.

The answer isn’t always simple and it depends often on a range of varying factors. There are however a few key points to consider when deciding on whether or not left handed or for that matter right handed playing is for you!
1. Choice
Sadly, but maybe understandably there is a lot less choice when it comes to purchasing a guitar if you’re left handed. Because there a lot less left handed players out there (apparently) manufactures often make less left handed instruments, giving the consumer less choice. These guitars are often (not always) sold at a higher price than their right handed equivalents. It’s always worth considering this when choosing to play left or right handed.
2. Preference
You may not have a preference on whether or not you play left or right handed. If you don’t right handed is probably the way to go. It will give you more choice when buying a guitar and chord boxes will be easier to understand. However, some (if not most) left handed players may prefer to play left handed as this may feel more natural. This is of course OK too and it’s something to experiment with within your guitar lesson times. Before committing to one way or the other try them both out to see what feels better.
3. More Preference
OK so it sounds like a crummy third point but let me explain. There are a lot of left handed players out there who play right handed guitars (look at Jimi Hendrix – he did it a lot of the time). Some prefer to buy a right handed guitar and restring it the other way round to play left handed. This too is an option and worth considering. If you can handle having the guitar facing upside down from how it was built, then go for it.
My job as a guitar teacher, offering music lessons in Aberdeen is to help make students aware of the pros and cons of both. I teach both left and right handed players as well as a handful of left handed players who have chosen to play right handed. The choice is completely up to you and here at Fresh Music I’ll accommodate whatever way feels most comfortable to you.
Learning guitar doesn’t have to be tricky – check out Fresh Music Aberdeen to find out more about guitar lessons in Aberdeen.